Player introduction: Hälinä

Hälinä, #505 (she/her)

“I have always been very skeptical about sports, especially team and contact sports. Naturally, of all possible sports, I decided to try roller derby last autumn, and I was sold on it right away. I’m fascinated by every aspect of derby: people are wonderful, the community is accepting and supportive, and playing is so much fun! It’s also cool that derby seems really rough from the outside point of view. 😎 At the moment, I want to learn to play in all positions, but perhaps sometime later I’ll specialize in something specific. Although I don’t have so many memories of derby yet, the most fun thing so far has been to play my first scrimmage outside of our own league in Porvoo!”

Coach – we want you!

Are you passionate about sports and an inspiring person? Can you bring people together, make them work together and succeed together? Dirty River Roller Derby is looking for new coaches. We are hoping to get 1–3 coaches, who could share the responsibilities and tasks of coaching. The sharing is done by coaches themselves.

The tasks of coaching consist of being present in team’s practices and occasionally planning and running the practices together with the coaching group. We hope that the members of the coaching group have an enthusiastic attitude towards learning new things, skill of working together and ability to inspire. Obviously, basic knowledge of roller derby is also desired!

The coaching should be interested in getting to know also the international governing body of roller derby, WTFDA, and its rankings, and be able to plan the team’s future games with that in mind.

DRRD has currently one competitive team which represents the league. At the moment the team does not play in the SM series but participating in it is possible in the future. Formerly we have aimed to play WTFDA-sanctioned games also abroad.

The players of the team are on different skill and experience levels, so it is important that the coaching is able to coach players both as a team but also as an individual.

Everyone participating in DRRD activities should read and commit to our values:

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Player introduction: Hellinen

Hellinen, #338 (she/her)

“I started the beginners’ course in January 2014 with Kuopio Roller Derby and my primary aim was to learn how to skate. Quite soon I fell in love with the sport, but also realized that the best about derby are the people. I’ve played mainly as a blocker or pivot, but occasionally also jammed. Nowadays I’m most comfortable as a blocker. I’ve had many good memories playing derby, but maybe one of the most special one was playing in Sweden’s Championship games in 2019 with Uppsala Roller Derby I hope to make several new memories with my current team! 😊

Sign up for roller derby’s spring 2023 beginners’ practices

Would you like to try a new hobby in a safe and supporting environment? Dirty River Roller Derby’s beginner practices are here and you can sign up now!

What: Beginners practices start on Thursday 2nd of March from 6.30pm to 8pm
Schedule: Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8pm and Sundays from 2pm to 4pm
Where: Ilpoisten palloiluhalli, Lauklähteenkatu 15, Turku
What do you need: Your own gear (we have also a limited amount of gear to lend out)
Cost: 70 € which includes a membership fee for 2023.

Sign up for beginners’ practices here

You don’t need any previous experience in roller skating or roller derby. We’ll start from the very basics and help you develop your skills at your own pace.

The age limit for our beginners’ phase is 16 years. All participants must agree to and behave according to our values.

More info:

You’re warmly welcome to DRRD and our beginners’ practices!

Player introduction: Seitan

Seitan, #666 (She/They)

“I have been playing mainly as a jammer. My strengths lie in my endurance and fast feet. I’ve been playing roller derby for eight or nine years (minus corona-years). I got into derby because l had heard it was fun (and it was!). I love that it’s a sport where you sweat and meet many wonderful people.”

Player introduction: Annette

Annette, #7 (she, her)

I have played Roller Derby since 2012. During the years I’ve had two children, so I haven’t skated the entire time.
I got into derby after watching the movie Whip it. I fell in love with the sport immediately. I like how physical, fast-paced and social Roller Derby is. The practices and games are always great fun.
The best thing about this sport are the people ❤️.
I like to play both as a jammer and a blocker. I can’t decide which I like better.

Fun fact: I entertain myself with all kinds of trivia. For example I can remember all Finnish Presidents and their respective terms of office.

Open skate – a try out for roller derby and roller skating 13.2. and 16.2.2023

What: Roller derby open skate!
When: Monday 13th of February from 6.30 pm to 8.30 pm and Thursday 16th of February from 6.30 pm to 8 pm
Where: Ilpoisten palloiluhalli, Lauklähteenkatu 15, Turku
Price: It’s free!
Sign-up form:

Dirty River Roller Derby is looking for new skaters, referees and non-skating officials. This event is free of charge and open for everyone. You must be at least 16 to attend. You’ll get to try the skates and other gear, and you don’t need to know how to skate or have any background in sports to attend. Everyone is welcome! Wear comfy sports clothes and bring a water bottle with you.

Our next beginners’ practices starts later in the beginning of March! Questions? You can reach our beginners’ department at – we speak English!

Player introduction: Ränni

Ränni, #233 (She/Her)

“I started playing derby in the fall 2021 when I finally got some more freetime after graduation. I had found derby earlier on social media and it came to my mind when I started to look for a new hobby in the summer. Derby combines in a very interesting way sports, having fun, community and it gives you the nice spice of adrenaline and excitement. At the moment I am interested in playing as a jammer but let’s see what future games bring!

Fun fact: I’ve been told that as animals I remind people of an otter or ermine!”

Player introduction: Jännä

Jännä, #27 (she/her)

“I’m playing as blocker, outside butt is my preference! My strength lies definitely in my good mood, I try to cheer others at practice and be there for them mentally and physically on the track!
Best thing about derby is that everyone is welcome, no matter of your size, sport backround, age, gender or what ever, there is always a place for you.

Fun fact: I got recruited from a pub.”

Player introduction: catnip everbean

catnip everbean, #1312 (she/her)

“I noticed DRRD’s open skate event during a Turku Pride week, went there and it was so much fun that I signed up for a beginners’ course! 😻
I love the community and I feel like I can be myself in it. Roller derby has taught me a lot about myself, my boundaries and being part of a caring community <3
As a player, I try to be encouraging and supportive and help create a safe environment for everyone. On the track I’m quite calm and stable and can play any position.
Playing roller derby has already given me so many great memories. I really loved my beginners’ course and there’s a special place in my heart for the people that were there.”