Dirty River Roller Derby Beginners course this autumn!
The course starts on Wednesday 3rd October and lasts until Mid-December. Beginners practice every Wednesday from 7 pm until 8.30 pm and on Sundays from 11 am until 1 pm. We practice at Ilpoisten palloiluhalli (Lauklähteenkatu 15, Turku). We’ll learn something new at every practice but also revise things that we have learned in previous sessions.
The beginners course costs 65 euros and you need to have your own gear to participate. We’ll be glad to help you out if you have any questions regarding buying the gear!
If you’d like to join the beginners course, please send us an email at fresarit.drrg@gmail.com so that we can send you the info letter and the link to the sign-up form.
Welcome to the course and the derbyverse!
Obs! Om du behöver information om nybörjarkursen på svenska, vänligen skicka oss ett meddelande: fresarit.drrg@gmail.com 🙂 Många av oss pratar svenska!